Christmas Countdown

Christmas Countdown

Now that the Summer holidays are drawing to an end, it is now time to turn my attention to my other favourite holiday season of the year. Is it to early to mention the "C" word? No of course it's not as it is only a few months until, Christmas!

This year as well as personalised Christmas Tree decorations I have sourced some other fantastic Christmas Gifts that can be personalised. I was really keen to make a lot of my gifts not only personal but practical too. With my teacher blood still in me, I am always keen to get little ones interested in reading and so I found an amazing fully illustrated Christmas book that can have a child's name personalised into it so that they are part of the story. Even Preschoolers who might be unable to read the entire book will love trying to find their name which will appear throughout the story. The story follows the adventures of a mischievous teddy bear which little ones will find really entertaining. The book can also be personalised with a message inside the front cover making it a keepsake that they will treasure forever and all for £9.99.